CEC Bank announced it eliminated the early repayment fee on entire range of consumer credits, in an effort to meet the European regulations on credit agreements for consumers.
“The move is aimed at lining up our commission policy to the provisions set forth by the 2008/48/EC Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council, that are to be included in the Romanian legislation”, the bank said in a press release.

CEC Bank announced no early repayment fee has been charged for personal loans with life and unemployment insurance policy attached, launched in December 17, 2009.

In 2009, CEC Bank’s loan book swelled 15% year-on-year, above the banking system average. The bank’s assets increased by 54%, on 22% growth in deposits. CEC Bank is now the fifth largest bank in Romania on assets market share.

Unaudited pre-tax profit rose 11% at the end of 2009 year-on-year, to 50 million lei, while the bank’s market share increased from 4.30% to 6.31% at end-2009.

The bank’s market share in the credit segment rose 0.37% in 2009, and 0.91% on deposit segment. At the end of 2009, the capital adequacy ratio stood at a comfortable 17.47%, above the statutory level of 10%.

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