Comentarii pe articolul Interest rates for First Home program to stand 42 49% below the current market rates


Reader la 15 Octombrie 2009, ora 01:36
pls, take note:

$ - $s, but Euro - Euro. NOT Euros.
Euros doesn't exist!!!!!
Camelia la 15 Octombrie 2009, ora 21:12
Thank you for your commentary!
Let me disaprove you telling that the plural for euro - "Euros" doesn't exit.
It's been a constant debate on the plural form of the currency among linguists. The English-speaking countries as well as EU members have it both ways, euro and euros. An native speaker would always pluralise euro with an 's'. In practice, people say euros and cents, and these as the natural plurals.

I do agree with you though when it comes to legislation or official documents. Let me give you an excerpt of "The English Style Guide of the European Commission Translation Services" - "Guidelines on the use of the euro, issued via the Secretariat-General, state that the plurals of both euro and cent are to be written without s in English. Do this when amending or referring to legal texts that themselves observe this rule. Elsewhere, and especially in documents intended for the general public, use the natural plural with s for both terms-
As the s-less plural has become "statutory"in EU legislation, the EC has decided to retain those plurals in English in legislative documents, while allowing natural plurals in other languages.However, ECTS still recommends that in all material generated by the Commission targeted to general public, the natural plurals of each language be used".
So, I consider the use of plural "euros" as correct.
Thank you again for your remarks!

  Inapoi la articolul Interest rates for First Home program to stand 42 49% below the current market rates

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