Comentarii pe articolul Vladescu: Romania unable to report a solid economic growth in lack of higher exports

Incredible English version

Vladimir Rodina la 20 Februarie 2010, ora 18:46
I would appreciate if the person who translated the Romanian text paid more attention to preps like "in" or "for" and their usage with verbs or nouns. You never say "in lack of smth".
Undertaker is the English word for "gropar", tipul care se ocupa de inmormantare. Entrepreneur e oarecum termenul corect pentru acest context (investor, businessman, etc). You run a businesses, not manage it. You do not post growth unless you write it somewhere for everyone to see it, you beef up sales, etc, a country may not see growth unless it increases its exports. Stilul jurnalistic este alert, nu se bazeaza pe substantive decat foarte rar. An increase of smth, an increase in exports. You do not escape recession. You pull out of/overcome(etc) recession. In 2009 a company posted sales of EUR xxx, a company posted revenues of...

  Inapoi la articolul Vladescu: Romania unable to report a solid economic growth in lack of higher exports

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