Comentarii pe articolul Bill Gates si-a luat ramas bun cu lacrimi in ochi de la Microsoft

Care familie modesta

Victor la 30 Iunie 2008, ora 18:53
Care familie modesta
Nu stiu cat de mult te-ai informat insa familia lui Gates numai modesta nu era...Din toate documentarele si informatiile de pe wikipedia: Gates was born in Seattle, Washington, to William H. Gates, Sr. and Mary Maxwell Gates. His family was wealthy; his father was a prominent lawyer, his mother served on the board of directors for First Interstate BancSystem and the United Way, and her father, J. W. Maxwell, was a national bank president. Gates has one older sister, Kristi (Kristianne), and one younger sister, Libby. He was the fourth of his name in his family, but was known as William Gates III or "Trey" because his father had dropped his own "III" suffix.[8] Early on in his life, Gates' parents had a law career in mind for him.
Apropo, nu contest cat de destept e Gates insa succesul atat de mare al companiei Microsoft se datoreaza mamei sale care i-a facut cunostinta cu nu stiu ce bastan din guvernul american...N-ai relatii n-ai succes! (la scara mare ma refer)
Liviu Buda la 1 Iulie 2008, ora 23:40
Daca mergem pe logica asta Microsoft exista doar pentru ca stra stra strabunicii lui Bill s-au iubit.
Este meritul lui Bill chiar daca la inceputurile Microsoftuluii au existat anumite influente. Eu cred ca viata da oricarei persoane oportunitati si depinde doar de persoana insasi daca e in stare sau nu sa profite si sa dezvolte acea oportunitate.

  Inapoi la articolul Bill Gates si-a luat ramas bun cu lacrimi in ochi de la Microsoft

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