1. What gadgets in your pocket, at hand?

I have a Blackberry 9000, and most of the times the Bluetooth Sennheiser VMX 100 headset.

2. What was the first gadget you had? At what age?

I think it was a remote control toy car made in China that I received when I was only few years of age.

3. What was the latest tech product you bought?

A Dell Latitude E4200 laptop.

4. The most unpleasant gadget-related incident

4. The most unpleasant gadget-related incidentI haven’t experienced anything like that before, fortunately.

5. How much would you be willing to pay for a cell phone?

Around 2,000 lei on a smartphone.

6. What features would your ideal phone have?

Light, resistant, and good communication features, namely Internet connectivity, integration of e-mail servers, etc.

7. What was the first cell phone youve used?

It was a phone from Telemobil that I bought in the early days of mobile telecommunication, but I can’t recall its name. The first GSM I had was a Philips Spark.

8. What mobile phone brand do you prefer?

I don’t have any preferences in terms of brands. I have used various types of phones, made by Nokia, Sony Ericsson and Motorola, and now I use a Blackberry.

9. The tech brand and manager you admire

The brand is Xerox, and apart from Xerox, Apple. The manager I admire is Steve Jobs, CEO Apple.

10. The most useless gadget you found on sale?

10. The most useless gadget you found on sale?I haven’t yet come across with any completely useless gadget.

11. If money were no object, what gadget would you buy?

I would buy a robotic vacuum cleaner.

12. What type of websites do you access regularly? What is your favorite website?

I don’t have a favorite website. I try to spend more time doing sport and less time at the computer or watching TV.

13. What was the latest acquisition made online?

13. What was the latest acquisition made online?I shop online very often. For example, I bought a Bluetooth headset two weeks ago from okazii.ro.

14. What is internet to you?

It’s a tool I use in my day-to-day work and to relax now and then.

15. How would a day in your life without internet look like?

It would be OK for me; I can do it just fine without the internet. The access to information would be more difficult, though.

16. What do you find attractive in a notebook: its performance or its mobility?

16. What do you find attractive in a notebook: its performance or its mobility?In my case, mobility, because I’m constantly on the road and I need something lightweight and reliable.

17. Your favorite mean of communication

Directly, face to face. If not possible, then I prefer short calls.

18. Where will the innovation go in IT? What gadget would you create, that has not been done before?

I am surprised by the evolution of technology. Amazing things come out every year. I think miniaturization, multimedia and communication will be the central focus of tech companies.