15 Ianuarie 2009

Worst case scenario: Dacia may cut 4,000 jobs

Dacia may lay off its roughly 3,000-4,000 workers if the sales of new cars will not scale back up, said the communication director of Dacia Plant, Liviu Ion.

“If the negative trend continues, I can say that nobody intends to take any extreme measure. However, Dacia may be forced to layoff some of its workers”, said Liviu Ion, quoted by NewsIn.

“Moreover, as for this ‘front-page’ subject, I can say the company will cut jobs, if new car sales will have the same grim percentage of 55%, that we recorded from October through December,” Ion added.

He also signaled the prompt implementation of measures, such as the upkeep of car registration tax which would sustain the jobs in Romania, the maintenance of the “Jalopy” program with the 60,000 cars and loosening of the lending conditions.

On Monday, nearly 11,000 workers of 14,000, returned on duty after a forced one-month vacation. However, the management of Dacia notified them that they would work for only two weeks, the company following to halt production for another two weeks, between January 26 and February 8.

The decision to suspend production came as a response of the sagging car industry, especially in Romania. The workers will receive a redundancy pay equivalent to 85% of their gross salary, the carmarker announced earlier this week.

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