28 Mai 2009

Romanian managers claim poor Government aid

Romanian managers urged the government to get more involved in finding solutions for the economic recovery, according to a study carried out by the consultancy and audit company Deloitte, Newsin informs.
The study was comprised of over 300 interviews with CEOs from the largest companies in Romania, across all branches of the economy. It mainly reveals that the private sector is disappointed with the role assumed by the government in the current economic background, accusing its lack of long-term plans and indecision.

The government should be more proactive, thinks Antonis Ioannides Tranzactions Services Partner with Deloitte Financial Advisory.

Managers believe the Cabinet added to the fiscal load for the business environment by repeatedly modifying the Fiscal Code, by delaying the VAT refunding and by limiting the deductibility ceiling for certain expenses or by scraping out certain mechanisms.

As to the main economic recovery instruments, 28 percent of the answers mentioned tax exemption as a way of encouraging investments, 21 percent of them named the fiscal policy and 20 percent referred to public expenses. Only 5 percent of those asked think that incentives hold real benefits.

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