25 Iunie 2009

Chinese company considers 28-mln euro investment in two Romanian brick manufacturing facilities

Representatives of a building material company based in China have arrived in Targu-Jiu at the National Company of Lignite Oltenia S.A (SNLO) to talk a 28-million euro investment in Motru, in the construction of two brick manufacturing facilities.
The members of the delegation from China have presented the project that involves the construction of two ecological brick manufacturing units which will create 250 new jobs. In the ecological brick-making process, the facilities will use cinder produced by burning coal.

“The investments are estimated at 28 million euros, for the construction of two ecological brick production facilities. The units will create 250 jobs. The substance resulted from coal burning will be constitute the raw material in brick manufacturing process”, said Claudiu Preoteasa, vicepresident of National Agency for Foreign Investments.

The location chosen by investors is in Motru locality, in the vicinity of former Rosiuta quarry. The Chinese company has expressed its interest in investing in the area for over two years. Investors have not released any statement, but they are expected to return in July in Gorj county to resume talks.

The County Council of Gorj has pledged its support for the investment due to its growth potential in the county’s economy.

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