23 Septembrie 2009

Porsche Leasing Romania reports 72m in sales in H1

Porsche Leasing Romania closed 4,103 new auto leasing contracts worth €72 mln in the first half, versus €221 mln by Porsche Finance Group in the same period last year, according to data provided by the company.
The financial leasing accounts about 70 percent of the company's new contracts, while the auto credit and the operating leasing each weigh about 15 percent of the new contracts, NewsIn informs.

In the first half of 2008, the volume of financial leasing contracts concluded by Porsche Finance Group rose by 8.6 percent to more than €221 mln.

Porsche Leasing Romania has been present on the local market for more than ten years and financed the acquisition of more than 100,000 vehicles, with more than €2 bln.

Porsche Leasing Romania is part of Porsche Finance Group, which offers financial services for the clients of car importer Porsche Romania, through an 89-dealers network.

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