16 Noiembrie 2009

Competition Council opens antitrust probe in telecom

Competition Council has opened two inquests into whether the country’s telecom giants, Orange Romania, Vodafone Romania and Cosmote violated antitrust laws by giving retailers inducements not to sell prepaid services to certain economic agents.
The inquiry was initiated following a complaint over an alleged collusion between Orange Romania and its retailers for not servicing certain clients.

Competition Council opened another investigation into alleged antitrust practices of reseller price-fixing and collusions between economic agents along the distribution chain of Orange Romania, Vodafone Romania and Cosmote.

The regulator is currently carrying out a possible abuse of dominance on Orange, Vodafone and Romtelecom on call end services market within own public telephony network.

“This type of collusions represents a deviation from the fair competition principle, resulting in price increase and minimizing consumers’ possibility of choice. If these antitrust practices will be confirmed, Competition Council will be liable for fines up to 10% of their annual turnover”, said Bogdan Chiritoiu, chairman of the Competition Council.

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