26 Noiembrie 2009

Leasing industry to remain in doldrums in 2010

In the best case scenario Romanian leasing market would remain in 2010 at this year’s level, according to financial leasing companies, who expect revenues below €1.5 billion this year.
“Romanian leasing market will reach €1.5 billion, at the most. In the best case scenario, Romanian leasing market would remain within this year’s range. There are many variables. It will be tough in the first part of the year”, said Dan Constantinescu, managing director at UniCredit Leasing.

Leasing companies are putting lessons learnt from the recession into practice, namely to adopt a more cautious approach. Their primary challenge will consist in stabilizing profit and targeting less developed segments.

Managing director of MKB Romexterra Leasing, Cornel Coca Constantinescu said he expects the first signs of recovery in the second part of next year.

As for this year, managing director of Raiffeisen Leasing, Mihaela Mateescu says the market will probably hark back to 2004-2005 level in terms of revenues, but the primary focus will be the stabilization of portfolios.

“Leasing firms focused on stability solutions, internal reorganization, provisions”, said Mateescu.

Leasing market depends heavily upon state budget, upon its debt collection procedures, as it stimulates payments from customers.

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