10 Decembrie 2009

First half of 2010 to be crucial for the recovery of the banking system

The first half of 2010 will be crucial for the banking system, as the real cause of the current crisis in the market lies in the problem loans, said Nicolae Cinteza, NBR.
“I think it will turn out to be worse in 2010 than 2009, and the first half I expect to be crucial for the banking system. We are lucky to have a good capital adequacy ratio”, said Nicolae Cinteza (photo), director of the Supervisory at the National Bank of Romania.

The capital adequacy ratio of the Romanian banking system was near 13.7% at the end of September 30, 2009, from 11.9% a year earlier. In order to keep the capital ratio at a comfortable level, the central bank has imposed capital hikes measures starting last year summer.

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