24 Decembrie 2009

FinMin calls for restricted wage and social policy

The Government should impose a cap on wages and welfare costs and put austerity measures in place for at least three years from now, but without risking social conflicts, said the minister of finance designate, Sebastian Vladescu.
“Wage and social policy will have to be restrictive unfortunately, for at least three years from now, and this will be compensated with measures to protect low-income taxpayers”, said Sebastian Vladescu.

He stressed that the government’s actions to keep spending under tight control must not put the country at risk of social conflicts, since “the social balance will play a major role in 2010”.

“The government has poured important amounts into stimulus packages to jolt the local economy back into growth, but ever since public sector expenses such as wages have had a large share in the state budget compared to other European countries”, said Vladescu.

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