18 Ianuarie 2010

Profile Claudia Ilinia, Power Net Consulting: If money were no object, Id buy a 3D TV set

Claudia Ilinia is sales manager at Power Net Consulting, one of the ten largest tech systems integrators in Romania. She says she would pay more than €400 for a cell phone, and the gadget she would like to buy is a 3D TV set.

1. What gadget's in your pocket, at hand?

My cell phone.

2. What was the first gadget you had? At what age?

A walkman when I was 10.

3. What was the latest tech product you bought?

A portable external hard drive.

4. The most unpleasant gadget-related incident

An assembler.

5. How much would you be willing to pay for a cell phone?


6. What features would your ideal phone have?

To be ultra slim.

7. What was the first cell phone you've used?


8. What mobile phone brand do you prefer?


9. The tech brand and manager you admire

The brand I prefer is Cisco and the manager I admire is Silviu Hotaran (e.n former chief executive of Microsoft between 1996 and 2008).

10. The most useless gadget you found on sale?

A pager.

11. If money were no object, what gadget would you buy?

A 3D TV set.

12. What type of websites do you access regularly? What is your favorite website?

News websites most of the times.

13. What was the latest acquisition made online?

An external hard drive.

14. What is internet to you?

The most accessible source of information.

15. How would a day in your life without internet look like?

A quiet day.

16. What do you find attractive in a notebook: its performance or its mobility?

Its mobility

17. Your favorite mean of communication


18. Where will the innovation go in IT? What gadget would you create, that has not been done before?

There are no boundaries.

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