1 Iulie 2010

EC: Lidl Plus deal, a competition threat

European Commission found that the proposed acquisition of Plus Bulgaria and Romania by the German-based retail group Lidle would affect the competition in the local consumer-goods market, the institution said in a press release.
These markets will be examined by the antitrust authorities in Romania and Bulgaria, so as to decide whether the transaction meets internal regulations.

EC sent to competition authorities in Bulgaria and Romania the review of the proposed acquisition of Tengelmann’s Plus operations in Romania and Bulgaria by the German retailer Lidl.

The inquiry carried out by the Commission revealed that the deal would affect the competition in the consumer-goods markets in Romania and Bulgaria. The transaction that was notified to the Commission on May 5 hasn’t raised any antitrust issues as far as competition with other EU countries is concerned.

Bulgaria and Romania have requested the Commission to resend to internal competition regulators, the items referring to the economic concentration in Bulgaria and Romania, saying the transaction affects the competition in their local markets.

Lidl is a German discount store chain held by Schwarz group that runs over 9,000 stores in 23 countries across Europe, including Romania and Bulgaria.

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