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Advices from specialists – have a bold, wise and patient approach

The key advice for young potential investors at BSE is, Adi Lupsan says, to have a bold approach on investing rather than focusing on the size of it.

He rewinds back to his first investment in the stock exchange arena, in the shares of Banca Agricola.

“At that time, the stocks were nearing to a dramatic downfall. But few months afterwards, the news shook up all the market: Raiffeisen Bank was planning on taking over the bank, which happened in the end, and thus I marked a significant gain”, he continued.

However, the amount of the initial investment was quite modest but slowly, and discretely, the investments grew stronger.

“The experience was now building brick-by-brick. Throughout the stock market adventure, we have good moments as well as bad moments. But we learn from our own mistakes and move on. At BSE, it’s very important to learn from your own mistakes, otherwise, you risk becoming a constant looser”, said the deputy director.

Alexandru Cristescu, broker at Piraeus Securities recommends prudence, patience and a selection of an experienced broker that won’t leave you broke.

“In times of stock market ‘prosperity’, any investment can return profit; most of the times without any solid reason, but in bearish times, like now, a broker’s know-how and insight can have a major contribution to an investor’s success,” said Cristescu.

Andrei Ciubotaru, broker at Vanguard, says it is very useful for young investor to have a material interest, in order to stay informed on the daily evolution of the business environment.

“The gained experience will prove to be very useful in each stage of your career”, says Ciubotaru.

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