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Negotiations and mandates in times of crisis

Philippe also mentioned that his team is discussing reassessing strategy themes with groups including some players in Health Care (along the value chain – manufacturing – distribution – services) with the objective to ”convert some leads into mandates”.

In addition, Ernst & Young Romania’s M&A professionals work closely with Ernst & Young’s international M&A network on various cross-border opportunities for either financial or corporate clients interested in Central and Eastern Europe, Ukraine and Turkey. “We clearly can offer both a regional and local approach to our clients. There are regional players looking to expand in Romania as well, and other examining the expansion through acquisitions in the local market. Romania still attracts solid interest”, said Lajat. “On the other side of the scope, we see international groups focusing on their core markets which are reconsidering their presence in some emerging markets, among which Romania” he added.

Nonetheless, Philippe expects inbound deals to hold the supremacy in the M&A market, and domestic and outbound deals to remain at a slowing down potential.

Currently, companies within Ernst & Young’s M&A advisory portfolio are active in manufacturing, food and beverages, services to companies and IT services, real estate as well as in energy and renewable energy.

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