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A day in the life of a trainer

He finds the life of a trainer as great in sense of working in the field and developing organizations as well as people with organizations, which always stirs the energy within. On the other hand, he is aware of the disadvantage of being a “lonely job”, for which a trainer means practically to put 3 to 5 days a week.

“During these 3,5 to 4 days a week, you get up early in the morning, travel during peak hours, and when you have arrived at the location, you arrange the room and set your mind to welcome the participants at nine or ten o'clock. Mostly you train ‘till five or six o'clock in the evening, then you say goodbye to the participants, you clear the room, you travel home during peak hours while reflecting on your training, you arrive home, you eat, and you start preparing the training for the next day. In the best scenario you meet your colleagues once a week, but mostly you meet each other not more than once every two weeks”.

Nevertheless, the trainers have to earn their annual target in only 38 productive weeks, which means a scarce social life.

In the remaining 14 weeks, a trainer enjoys the utmost freedom, more than other people, a time off he uses to follow some courses or to enjoy a long holiday.

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