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“I do this every day and I’m still learning”

He trains, coaches and advises leaders, managers, boards and management teams in how to develop themselves in making their organizations grow, by facilitating the growth of their human resources. “I do this every day. And I’m still learning”. Over the past 19 years he’s developed certain beliefs. The utmost success of an organization is driven by people and this belief made him more open to beliefs which promote the contrary.

As manager, he adopts a coaching and delegation approach, although his style has repeatedly put him into a daily fight with his inner need to be in control.

“I really believe that managers should be lazy and make employees work. On the other hand I also know that these management styles are not always effective. Style flexibility is maybe one of the most important management competences”, John Bax says.

The present crisis situation for some companies, he believes, requires crisis management and the art of a good manager, especially in the midst of crisis, stays, keeping the employees motivated, in spite of these top down (and sometimes unpleasant) decisions.

Photo: Tryact HRD team

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