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Deloitte Business Sentiment Index in the region

Cautious optimism is the heartening finding of Deloitte's first Business Sentiment Index. Responses of some 200 CXOs include views about the current and future business environment, ranging from employment prospects and payment trends to new product development and capital expenditure.

Findings have been collated into an index which this quarter equals 97 and the next quarter (to be released early December) will compare the differences and similarities of views and attitudes across national boundaries and between industrial sectors. Deloitte will be publishing the index regularly in 2009 and 2010 and then every six months thereafter.

The Report will be a regular barometer that gauges the thoughts of those with greatest influence on the future direction of the economies and largest companies of Central Europe. The index provides a much-needed outlook based not on statistics and balance sheets, but on the human reaction and opinions of these influential executives, who are crucial not only to their company's success but, by extension, on the recovery and renewed growth of individual country economies and that of the region as a whole.

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