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Financial crisis sparked developers interest for green buildings

Apart from The Lakeview project, another office building in Bucharest is making efforts to obtain BREEAM certification. Euro Tower (photo), erected by Cascade Group has undergone assessment and has been awarded with a very good score. However, the score hasn’t yet been confirmed by the BREEAM team.

The 18,000sqm Euro Tower has 18 stories and represented an investment of around €60mln. The building is 85% leased and the construction works are expected to end in December. This would be the first BREEAM rated finalized building, according to Alex van Breemen, general manager of Cascade Group.

“Builders’ interest for BREEAM certificate has been growing during the financial crisis, as they tried to build projects to lure investors and tenants. Even if a building with BREEAM rating may cost more upfront depending on the rating, on a long term it saves through lower operating costs, on energy, water and waste/recycling”, Richard Colwell, Customer Liaison Manager of BRE.

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