Comentarii pe articolul Seful Romtelecom: In urmatoarele luni vor fi multi jucatori mici presati de criza, iar noi suntem bogati in cash

Cam tarziu..

Vasi la 8 Septembrie 2010, ora 18:16
Publicitate mascata!
Si chiar daca ar fi asa cum spune grecul, romanii nu cred ca-i mai iarta pentru ca si-au batut joc de ei cand aveau monopol pe piata, Adevarul e ca in continuare isi bat joc de cei pe care-i fraieresc sa se aboneze la ei. Poate la sate, unde nu exista alti furnizori, o sa aiba succes romtelecomul, in rest.. n-au decat sa plece in Grecia!
Ioan Emanoil la 3 Noiembrie 2010, ora 22:25
This telecom boss (Yorgos Ioannidis) really thinks too highly of himself, considering that every time when I went to pay the phone bill there was a long line of very angry, dissatisfied customers... The service sucks, as I had to have three separate visits in one week from Romtelecom technicians to restore the service after a first team made a "necessary upgrade", as they called it.
I suggest that we write down the names of these scumbags, con artists, or shall we call them legal thieves?, and make their names public in scandal oriented publications.... let's see if they can take the same shit they throw at us every day!?

I'm writing in English because I know that someone with some executive competence might read this... and maybe, who knows?, he/she would get the message up the corporate ladder that if things are going like this, you guys from OTE, Romtelecom may wake up one morning with a load of shit in front of your door... just a hopeful thought, for now...
Mircea la 20 Ianuarie 2011, ora 22:37
Romtelecom este cel mai bun provider de internet. Am plecat de la RDS la Romtelecom pentru ca sunt servicii mult, mult mai bune, decat la RDS.
Bravo Romtelecom, cumparati tot, cumparati si UPC si RDS si schimbati toate retele pe Romtelecom.

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