Ultimele stiri legate de Wim Vermeulen

Citeste cele mai recente stiri de business despre Ultimele stiri legate de Wim Vermeulen publicate pe wall-street.ro. Doar pe wall-street.ro gasesti ultimele informatii, poze, comentarii si materiale video care includ detalii despre Wim Vermeulen.

Stiri despre Ultimele stiri legate de Wim Vermeulen

Romanian online: Strong ideas, low budget

Romanian online: Strong ideas, low budget

26.02.2010 in » English

With over 20-year experience in the media industry, Wim Vermeulen (photo) , his career in the field took off in 1989 as junior media planner at Vanderkerckhove&Co. He then worked at...

Director of Ogilvy CEE: 2010 is the year of mobile web

Director of Ogilvy CEE: 2010 is the year of mobile web

25.02.2010 in » English

“If in the past seven years, people would say this was the year of the mobile web, in 2010 we’re actually seeing the mobile internet taking hold. And that due to the entry of Google and...

Comentarii despre Wim Vermeulen

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