Zitec, one of the largest local software providers, said it had introduced a new Facebook application for sharing information between friends and easy booking.
The first application, launched today for Facebook users is called HotelPeeps and is designed to help foreign tourists in finding accommodation for their vacations.

So far, foreign tourists were planning their trips and vacations by themselves. They would surf the internet for best room rates and reviews. Now, HotelPeeps will provide users with hotel recommendations from close friends, more exactly from previous guests.

“We are focusing on the idea that a recommendation from a friend is more valuable than a review from someone we don’t know. HotelPeeps will enable users to ask for additional details from friends who stayed at a certain hotel or visited a certain resort. This way, it will be easier for tourists to choose a place to stay when going on a vacation”, said Alexandru Lapusan (photo), CEO Zitec.

The company hopes to attract 50,000 users in 2010, a realistic target according to Zitec manager who relies on the nearly 900,000 Romanian Facebook users, and on the strong growth of the social networking site.

Considering that the application is also available in English, the software company expects a higher adoption rate among Facebook users from different parts of the world.

HotelPeeps does not offer hotel recommendations only, but also the best room rates, as it is interconnected to hotels.paravion.ro hotel booking system, developed at the end of last year by Zitec for Millennium Tour.

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