Ultimele stiri legate de Florin Udriste

Citeste cele mai recente stiri de business despre Ultimele stiri legate de Florin Udriste publicate pe wall-street.ro. Doar pe wall-street.ro gasesti ultimele informatii, poze, comentarii si materiale video care includ detalii despre Florin Udriste.

Stiri despre Ultimele stiri legate de Florin Udriste

How to turn a passion into a business?

07.10.2008 in » English

... plan, and grew in three years time enough to become a well known player on the market,” says Florin Udriste, head of the billiard club. The initial investment amounted nearly 150,000...

How to turn a passion into a business?

07.10.2008 in » English

... plan, and grew in three years time enough to become a well known player on the market,” says Florin Udriste, head of the billiard club. The initial investment amounted nearly 150,000...

Comentarii despre Florin Udriste

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Articole noi despre Florin Udriste

Cum sa lansezi un club de biliard cu 150.000 de euro

06.10.2008 in Stiri din Business » Start Up
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