Romanian antitrust regulator (CC) has approved supermarket chain Mega Image’s takeover of four stores operated under the banner Prodas Supermarket, held by Mialan Comimpex SRL.
Belgia’s food retailer Delhaize that operates Mega Image stores in Romania announced earlier this month the completion of the takeover of Prodas stores in Bucharest. The value of the transaction has not been disclosed, the deal pending for the approval of antirust regulators.

Competition Council said in a statement that “following the anti-trust investigation, the transaction would not significantly impede effective competition in retail industry and don’t result in the creation of any monopoly of the buyer in the market”.

Mega Image SRL operates in food retailing industry in Bucharest, Constanta, and Ploiesti. Mega Image is fully owned by Belgian-based Delhaize group present in Greece, USA, and Indonesia. The Belgian retailer also acquired the 14-store supermarket chain La Fourmi, the oldest in Bucharest in last year’s fall for 18.6 million euros.

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