As of January 1, 2009, only Euro 5 fuels will be marketed throughout all inland filling stations, following to restrict the distribution of Euro 4 fuels, all oil companies complying with the provisions established by 98/70/EC directive released by European Parliament.
Large Romanian gas station operating companies said they would comply with the new European standards and they would withdraw Euro 4 fuels (Romania introduced Euro 4 fuels in 2007, while other European countries were marketing them since 2005). As of January 1, 2014, all Member States, including Romania will distribute only Euro 6 fuels.

As for Rompetrol Group, the oil company will secure Euro 5 fuels (gasoline and diesel) supplies from Petromidia refinery. According to Rompetrol representatives, the investments assigned for the replacement with Euro 5 fuels will have a direct impact on gas prices at the Rompetrol-owned filling stations.

“We have to take into account that refineries throughout the European Union had four years to implement the required installations for Euro 5 fuel production, compared to two years available for Romanian-based refineries. Hence, we believe the investments conducted in an effort to switch from Euro 3 fuel standard (mandatory since 2005) to Euro 5 standard (mandatory since 2009) will lift the end-prices”, Rompetrol representatives said.

MOL Romania said the required Euro 5 fuel supplies would be acquired from both foreign refineries and from Romania. In case of fuel reserves supplied from Romanian refineries, the investments assigned for replacement with Euro 5 fuels are covered by local producers.

“As for fuels imported by MOL Romania, they meet the standards of Euro 5 (10 ppm) since 2007, and no additional investment was required. MOL refineries were retooled in 2005-2006 and the minimum standard implemented is Euro 5. As for fuels supplied by domestic producers, they say they are ready to introduce the new standard, as of January 1,both in their stocks and in own retail stations, in compliance with the legal provisions”, representatives of MOL Romania said in a statement.

OMV Romania will acquire Euro 4 fuesl from Petrom and from Austrian-based Schwechat refinery. As far as end-prices are concerned, MOL said prices would not be influenced by production costs.

In an effort to optimize resources, OMV Supply & Logistics will acquire a lion’s share of supplies from Petrom. Nevertheless, there will be a small percentage of fuels supplied from abroad”, Mol representatives added.

Petrom oil company said that starting January 1, 2009, it would market only Euro 5 fuels, supplied from own production output. The two refineries held by Petrom are based in Petrobrazi and Arpechim.

LukOil Romania is ready to make the required changes as well, in order to comply with the European legislation.

“Lukoil Romania will line up to European regulations, as well as other market players. The Euro 5 fuel supply will be imported from Burgas. However, as of February, when LokOil-owned refinery, Petrotel will resume activity, we will get our supplies from own production”, managing director of LukOil Constantin Tampiza told NewsIn.

Agip Romania will also fall in line with the European regulations, and will ban the distribution of Euro 4. The oil company will start marketing only Euro 5 fuels, the supplies coming from Romanian-based refineries, according to own statements.
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